Media 2020 (Archive)


FIA has produced Media Safety video, which is recommended to all the media personnel. Please make sure to watch it prior to your media activity at Rally Hokkaido.
Media SafetyWRC 2018 FIA Media Safety Video (2:34)

Media Accreditation Request Forms

How To Apply

Guidance for Application

Accreditation Request Forms (Page 1:Media Organisation)

Media Accreditation Application Form (For News Media)
Media Accreditation Application Form (For Promotional Media)
>Media Accreditation Application Form (Competitor’s Own Media)

Accreditation Request Forms (Page 2:Media Personnel and translator)

>Media Accreditation Application Form (Personnel)
Media Accreditation Application Form (translator)

Other Application Forms

Application Form For Commercial Use Of Photos and Video
Application Form For Additional Use

Media Regulations

Rally Hokkaido Media Regulations
Acceptable Use Policy


Any overseas media wishing to operate drone for their media coverage must contact media officer prior to the media accreditation request closing date. Requester must be familiar with Japanese laws and regulations about drone and its usage, and obtain all the necessary legal approvals and file required legal paperwork necessary for their drone operation in their own responsibility.

Key Schedule

Publication of Supplementary Regulations : 14th of July 2020
Media Accreditation Request Commencement : 14th of July 2020
Closing date for Media Accreditation Request : 14th of August 2020
Publication of Rally Guide : 14th of August 2020

(c) 2013 Rally Hokkaido.