General Information of 2022 edition


After two years without spectators, Rally Hokkaido will reopen its door to spectators!
Currently we plan to establish spectator areas in Rikubetsu for Saturday leg, and in Otofuke and Pawse Kamuy (Ashoro town) for Sunday leg.
Many of you may remember that Rally Hokkaido had its 20th anniversary last year, but we had to give up its celebration ceremony. This year, we plan celebrate our 20th+1 anniversary by conducting the ceremonial start in the heart of the Obihiro city, in front of Obihiro Railway Station. Yes, the place we had the ceremonial start of WRC Rally Japan back in 2007!
For details, please refer to the PDF file in the following link:

General Information of Rally Hokkaido 2022General-Information-of-Rally-Hokkaido-2022

(c) 2013 Rally Hokkaido.